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Damn Yankee

personal noun. Any self-centered, ungentle, barbarian that believes the customs of their degenerate northern tribe are the laws of nature. Specifically, one of the aforementioned Untermenschen that has obtained enough illicit wealth to purchase and maintain an overpriced, overpowered, or overly obnoxious vehicle and operate it below 28 degrees latitude.
n. Anyone from further north than Biscayne Bay.
adj. Expression used to describe anyone parking where ever the hell they like, walking/standing without regards to the needs of others, tailgaters, or anyone with a completely obscene accent.
n. Anyone that you can live next to for 10 years and never learn their first name.
n. Anyone that never learned how to look people in the eye or say hello.

...also, see Asshole or Republican.

n. Shit. It's Winter again, time for all those Damn Yankees to ruin life. Wish they would have all left for the Summer.

adj. (God)damn Yankees have parked in the middle of the street again, guess we will have to go the other way!

n. Ugh...Hey, Damn Yankee! Put that accent back in the trash where you found it!

n. "I don't feel so good. Better git another roll of toilet paper ready, I'm about ready to give birth to a Damn Yankee.

by Aethelwulffe ap Echelberching July 6, 2012

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Yankee Doodled

When a person tries to mock the United States with a song or name but instead Americans embrace it.

Jim: hey man, did you hear the song "Keep Your Rifle by Your Side" from Farcry 5? It's apparently supposed to make fun of us, but I've just embraced it. Ubisoft really Yankee Doodled this one.

Bob: Yeah I know, but I love the song, I really connect to it.

by KatothePotato June 19, 2021

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Yankee SnapBack

The Process of pulling a partners hair back forcefully whilst in a doggystyle position, then proceeding to punch their head forward again

I don't want to have sex with Liam again
He gave me a wicked Yankee SnapBack

by PhatDogg10 April 22, 2015

Playing the yankee

Playing the yankee is where you put on a stupid American accent and prance around being a prat. It is similar to playing the wankee

Tom: Woah Jacob what you doing prancing around like that
Ace: He looks like he's playing the wankee
Jacob: *puts on stupid American accent* Ah'm playing the yankee! Y'all wanna join meh or amh Ah gonna keep playing all on mah lonesome?
Ace: He's mad
Tom: No! *puts on stupid American accent* Ah thenk it's ah great ideah! Ahmma join in!
Ace: Oh fine why the hell not. *puts on stupid American accent* Wooh yah! Ah'm ah cowboy!
Nell: What on earth are you all doing being idiots in a circle?
Jacob: *stupid American accent* We're playin the yankee! Join us, Nehll!
Nell: Playing the wankee?! What's that?
Jacob: *stupid American accent* Naht wankee, yankee!
Pheobe: *bursts in on conversation* I just heard wanker what are you talking about?
Jacob, Ace and Tom: *groan in american*

by DeviLs brOther May 4, 2021

yankee lake

A place where mud, trucks, and sluts all meet during a friday night

Dude lets go to yankee lake this weekend and bang bitches.

by Turbo Tommy August 21, 2015

Yankee with brim

It is a normal yankee baseball cap.

Your yankee with brim is very good.

by Definer3 October 8, 2020

retard yankee

An american that can’t differentiate you and you’re, probably has never taken his shoes off since mama bought him his first pairs of vans.

Me: Retard yankee!
American: Your retard!

by gulugu February 3, 2020