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Yee Haw

A yee haw (also stylized as "yee-haw"), is a person who is of southern decent, or rural area who talks in heavy southern accent. Also can be used in speech as a northerner making fun of someone of southern decent.

"James, quit being a yee haw", "sorry there partner".

by Draco923 November 18, 2018

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Chue Yee

The most sexiest and hottest asian EVER existed! No one can be a Chue Yee.

You're like a Chue Yee, but not.

by Cyy1510 June 12, 2020

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A term used by those who believe they’re a β€œcountry boy” because they listen to Old Town Road.

β€œImma fuck my cousin, then rob a 7-ELEVEN. YEE-YEET!!!!”

by Anonymous75810 August 24, 2019

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Yee Yen

A person with a huge personality.
Kind and cute always dreams big and will reach their goals at the age of 15-17. Their thinking is really unique. Their really a keeper, they don’t craved for attention they need it but they don’t show

Yee Yen is Known for a huge personality

by Harrypoterr February 14, 2018

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yee haw

Shout to encourage 'dogies' (cattle) to get moving. Used in many early cowboy movies.

Move 'em out, yee haw

by tatsahdasaygo April 11, 2004

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Lasso That Niggas' Dick

Dave: Oh Did You Hear I Got Yee-Hawed Yesterday!
Jeff: By Who?
Dave: My Secret Cowboy...

by CoinStealConnor January 10, 2019

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The sound a confused mother makes when she is trying to decipher the language of her teen children.

Mother: β€œteen child , what do you want to yee-yeet?”
Teen child: β€œwtf mom?”
Mother: β€œyeet”
Teen child: β€œdo you even lift bro?”

by Wtf am I doing with my life? November 18, 2018

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