When you assume you've been invited to an event despite not actually being on the guest list.
"Dude, why did Tom come to your birthday party on Saturday?"
"I dunno man, I didn't invite him. He was totally Pulling a Ned."
When a person takes your water bottle and lightly touches their butthole to the mouth piece without you knowing.
This water tastes like someone Uncle Neded it.
A young teenager (specifically men) who add women on snapchat, get them riled up, lead them on, tell lies, and then cry that said woman left you.
"Omg that's Ned the Sped!! Speddy Neddy!!"
A shortened and more stressed term in place of Holy Ned
Ah Ned! I forgot to do my homework.
This is a person who is very loyal with his tight group of friend and likes to start building projects with his friends and is very skinny, he is a little extra terrestrial and eager to eat into cycling and has great catch frames like YAAAAAAAAAH AND YEH MAN
the act of having relations with a girl and her mother in the same night
Did you see darragh done a filthy ned