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party hair

Unruly hair that makes it look like the person has a party on their head. Often used to describe thick and long hair. Bares a very close resemblance to the term bed head.

I saw Mitch the other day. That guy has such party hair.

by PartyHair October 13, 2008

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Hair Doll

When a guy is obsessed with a girl and collects her individual hairs that have fallen out to comprise a "hair doll".

The guy collects enough hair to make a small person/figure out of hair.

The name of the hair doll can simply be "Hair Doll" or often is named after the girl being stalked. Also, prefixes are often added to the girls name. For example, if the girls name is Molly, the name of the hair doll could be Lil' Molly or Miss Molly.

by snakeonthelake April 21, 2011

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Fore Hair

Pubic hair that gets trapped underneath the foreskin.

Girlfriend: When I went for a piss this morning, why did a clump of hair come out?

Boyfriend: Oh sorry, that must have been my fore hair from yesterday.

by Muckle Flugga April 27, 2007

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Hair chameleon

A person who changes the color of their hair frequently

I didn't even notice Sally today because her hair is brown now, she is a total hair chameleon.

by thecharles September 10, 2007

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Hair game

Having a hairstyle that looks incredibly dope and cannot be competed against: your hair game is SO DAMN STRONG

Bob was having a shit day until he looked in the mirror and realised his curls were perfect- his hair game was strong and he could now take on the world. The end.

by Everafter November 8, 2014

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hair job

the best thing ever thought of by a human being.

She wrapped her very long, soft, sensuous hair around my cock and stroked me until I went straight to heaven.

by john March 11, 2005

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Helmet hair

Messy hair. The flat, lifeless appearance of hair, or wild, 'uncontrollable' appearance of hair when a motorcycle helmet is removed. Most affected are women and it's a common problem for those with a coiffure.

When she took off her helmet, everyone could see she had 'helmet hair'.

Her 'helmet hair' took a lot of brushing-out before her hair looked nice again.

by ColonelBlimp September 4, 2011

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