Basically jesus, but with more power.
And if Jesus's grave was used to make an ikea beacon.
"council of water sheep, tell me the way."
A person that follows a follower.
Sheep Stalkers don't even make the effort to mooch along with the herd, they are rather like the dags on a Sheeps wooly bum and just tag along with whatever.
Hey Leon what are you and your mates doing tonight? I thought I might just tag along? Elmo mate you are just a Sheep Stalker!
Favourite dish of a Stratiguanese
Sheep water should be on every restaurant menu.
The holy sheep that looks over Broland after slavery and a tragic and painful death. Felix Kjellberg regrets looking down upon the elevated one, Wötr Sheep, because now he requires a sacrifice at least every 2 weeks, or else he will take the life of a loved one.
"Wotr Sheep take this offering" *bell rings 3 times*
Wötr Sheep has even become a real-world religion, known as Wötrsheepism. It has 101,000,000 members and counting, and it even holds the #8 spot for the world's most popular religions.
Wötr Sheep communicates with mortals through the Council of Wötr Sheep, a mysterious group that is responsible for giving instructions or predictions primarily to Felix Kjellberg.
Wötr Sheep, I bow before you, as I speak through the almighty council
The classic game of dressing up as a sheep and running around Wales, last player to be molested wins!
Man I was rather sore after last weeks game of danger sheep, but I’ll be ready for tomorrow
It's when you give a sheep (or goat) a blowjob.
Mayka sheepthroated that goat in exchange for some of its cheese.
Sheep throating is an official sport in New Zealand.
Something that's seemingly innocent but really isn't.
That kitten has rabies, it's a carnivorous sheep.