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The only un-tagged option in roblox meaing "ass" mainly used by 8 year olds with tattoos and black people.

Roblox Player 1: i want bobux
Roblox Player 2 :Man, shut yo bitch ahh. up

by OOGA MAN January 11, 2023


when you've just had a sip of great KOFF Light beer

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So fresh, so light, so tasty.

by aleksialeksialeksi May 17, 2022


Used to express fear or anger

Person one:hi
Person two:AHH

by Boopity September 30, 2019


A way of the word ''ass'' being censored, or saying the word ''ass'' so fast that it sounds like ''ah''

''Mane get yo' ugly ahh outta here Cuz''

by That1FineAssbitch May 17, 2021


Amber Heard Habits. Toxic females, who to deflect from their evident toxicity, side with Johnny Depp in a grand show of hypocricy masked by support. These females display the same toxic habits as depicted in Amber Heard's actions and behaviour. They are hypocrites and mask that insecurity by presenting themselves as good people on social media.

"That woman has Ahh"

*typing the letters Ahh in the comments of a toxic female as a label*

by I'm not human April 26, 2022


A variant of the word ass that is used by people with a low or non-existing IQ.

Idiot: Listen to this goofy ahh laugh
Dick: I'm sorry, what? Did you mean ass?

Idiot: Shiiii dawg, I ain't tryna sound smart.

Dick: The 'S' key is literally closer to the 'A' key. You're not saving any time typing it that way. Might it be because of a desperate attempt to sound ghetto because you feel at loss with your own identity?

by XenXe May 3, 2022


A category of people or things having common characteristics, followed by a noun which's preceding verb is used to describe that noun.

"Scallywag ahh beat"

by Darthanaw=eadasd March 13, 2023

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