sherlyn and alan are way better than us because they are hot and sexy wish it could be us </3
Most trust worthy person you can say! One among most successful persons in life . He will be there for others in their difficult times . Alan abishek is a person whom you wanted to be .
Hey Alan abishek
the actual bro that can tre flip and stab children
that was a joke he doesnt stab children
the big al-ster: *does kickflip* *sips 2litre bottle of irn bru*
primary 3 snakes: oh my god its alan keith *does gortnite dance*
alan: *crushes all their skulls*
A devious monkey owned by 'XpickelsX' on the popular pirate themed game Sea Of Thieves.
Alan is known for his racially abusive tendencies which often gets him shot out of a cannon.
"I've lost my galleon, who could've done this?"
"must have been the work of a certain Alan Tango"
An Alan Bowl is a half empty bowl of flower Usually enjoyed by oneself alone.
I had a very rough day and came home and stared at my Alan Bowl
A very good Rollercoaster layout desinger who walks for RMC he also is the discord bot for seeking the thrill he sadly doesn't give Cookies anymore to new people cause robbins bot broke after one day :(
Alan schilke is very nice and the best bot
He does research
He counts our levels
He does every command you send him exapt for !hyperion