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dick alarm clock

You know the dick alarm clock has gone off when your sexy ass boyfriend wakes you up from a dead sleep with an erect and rather large penis.

My boyfriend woke me up this morning with the dick alarm clock. I love morning sex. It's gonna be a GOOD day!!

by Peanut76 January 5, 2014

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roman alarm clock

when you do a roman helmet (aka place your penis between a girls eyes so that it looks like she's wearing a helmet) and she wakes up to the view of penis in the morning.

"the bitch was sleeping so i decided to wake her with the ol' roman alarm clock"

by nonono November 8, 2007

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Chinese Alarm Clock

When you wake up in the middle of the night with diarrhea after eating bad chinese food.

Boss: "Why are you late?"

Employee: "Sorry, I got no sleep. I kept getting woken up by a Chinese Alarm Clock."

by CAC123 September 20, 2013

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wobbleknocker alarm clock

The act of a woman waking someone up by hanging her large pendulous breasts over their face and swinging them back and forth across their face to wake them up.

I was sleeping and my wife gave me the wobbleknocker alarm clock this morning...I knew it was gonna be a great day!

by Almalphia September 27, 2010

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prod alarm clock

The use of morning wood to wake your loving partner.

Good morning dear, I think I hear the prod alarm clock going off.

by sidelock2 January 25, 2008

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Car Alarm Tag

When you and your friends play tag by the use of car alarms in a large parking lot. By setting off the alarms of different cars the "it" player tries to track down the other members in the party. Upon coming physically touched by the "it" person the game cycles all over again just like regular tag.

Remember, a parking lot is a dangerous place. Soo watch out for traffic, and people who don't want you playing. Let's play some good 'ol Car Alarm Tag, now let's get it on!

by Bennihana April 24, 2006

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mexican alarm clock

big deisel truck, when they hear it coming it wakes you up and you get back to work as the boss man is coming!

hey pedro..you hear that man? "GRUMBLE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE"
I thing the boss is coming man! get back to work holmes.

by camerod December 6, 2004

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