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Alternative energy utopia

The highest evolutionary form of the regressive. greern new deal

The green new deal. If not reversed, will inevitably lead to an alternative energy utopia

by Sexydimma July 15, 2022

Better alternative

How about stop trying to use authority you don't have to compel people (from the shadows) to do things they don't want to do?

Hym "How bout dat for a better alternative, Dr. RAPE FARM?"

Dr. Rape Farm "Well, I need to control what my children are going to think and do in the future and for me to do that I need to have control of everyone around me and LYING BLATANTLY allows me to do that with greater ease. So I need you to shut the hell up so I can distill these retards into an abstract phantom and trick them into locking themselves into a state of perpetual solipsism so they don't interfere with MY LIFE and what I want to do."

by Hym Iam March 13, 2024

Alternative Facts Syndrome

Alternative Facts Syndrome is a person suffering from a disconnect from reality. This person does not accept facts and truths and will claim blatant lies as "facts" in their alternative facts reality.

This person is suffering from Alternative Facts Syndrome. That person believes Tariffs will be paid by the exporting country and will not affect them as the consumer. "They did their research."

by DMU77 February 2, 2025

alternative medicine

Stuff that is not medicine, and has no medicinal properties, but conspiracy theorists and other dumbasses insist is the REAL medicine, because the entire healthcare field is a sham, or something, and the knowledge of people from 500-1000 years ago when they didn't even have toilets is superior to modern science.

Don't listen to those Big Pharma quacks telling you to get radiation treatment for your cancer, here, drink this soup of tree bark and lemongrass, it's alternative medicine.

by q359 July 25, 2023

alternative shoulder tap

Tapping someone's left shoulder while standing on the right, or vice versa.

Bob just alternative shoulder tapped Susie.

by dickisthebf January 12, 2016


Bridgette s

bridgette is a trick(alternate)

by anonymouskhorse February 5, 2010

chocolate-milk alternative

Refers to a "just as bad or worse" substitution-product/activity employed to supposedly "fill the void" created by a discontinued unhealthy habit --- the idea here is that while the milk itself may indeed be low-fat, the added calorie-rich and sugary-sweet chocolate has far more fattening ingredients than just the cream in full-fat milk could possibly have contained, and so the person will likely gain even more weight than ever.

Three classic --- and very tragic --- examples of a "chocolate-milk alternative" would be a substance-abuse recovery-program's giving a dry-drunk lots of high-sugar foods in place of alcohol, someone's switching to compulsive shopping in place of gambling, or a person's becoming harshly-snappy and irritably-demanding after giving up cigarettes.

by QuacksO November 6, 2018