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The Greatest Country Ever


by Code_Zero July 21, 2011

10👍 34👎


The worlds most racist country, I fuckin swear 75% of Americans are so fuckin racist. Mainly towards Russians, most of the action tv shows I watch have something to do w/ Russians being fucking assholes nuking the world, I freaking swear every thing is blamed on either the Russians, china, and Obama I think most Americans are just so scared

American: I fuckin blame the soviets!
Russian: why don't u shut the hell up bitch

by Dat guy who kill June 16, 2015

4👍 10👎


Def. 1: America;the state of being poor beyond belief but at the same time the best place to be in in the word.
Def. 2: America;the state of being the number 1 or the most awesome of them all.
Def. 3:Swag.

France:Saviez-vous que l'Amérique est le numéro un?
Russia:Да, конечно, они являются!
France:Did you know that America is number 1?
Russia:Yes,of course they are!

by iMonsteriRawr November 16, 2011

5👍 14👎


America is a girl you can count on although she’s been heart broken she still shows love to many people and she’s really THICC and is fucking fine ash🤤 ig u have a america she’s a keeper 🤞🏽

Yooo America is fine asf I wanna slap her booty and them titties tho 🤤but bro her face she a hottie🤤😍

by Brian Cruz September 26, 2018

2👍 1👎


Its a fucking continent, not a country, a continent you self centered yanks Trump following racist ass motherfuckers.

Person 1 (A person born in the states with IQ 0.5) : America its a great country
Person 2: You are in the spectrum.

by Zet133 March 23, 2018

1👍 1👎


That county which lies between the Atlantic and Pacific, and thus bestrides the world. Full of more confidence than is wise, full of more hope than its own history has justified. Ever bewitched by destiny and ever made humble by experience. A land that can build railroads, spaceships, and computers, but still can't see certain people for the hearts that beat within them. A place you so desperately want to hate, but cannot help but love and admire.

The land of a thousand stories.

America......it is what it is.

by garcalej June 14, 2019

1👍 1👎


America is the two continents of South America and North America.
The USA is the United States of America.
Now shove that in your fat fucking pea brain, Trump.

Trump: I sHAlL mAKe AmErIca gREaT aGAiN!

(so it wasn't already great huh...)

Me: America is NOT the USA you retarded bitch

by Unknown Avacado July 8, 2020

1👍 1👎