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Steeving Around

The art of doing nothing when there are important tasks in hand. Derived from Steve Jobs' latent disinterest at recalling any Apple products that have a design fault e.g the iphone 4 and instead thinking up future products with major design flaws that will cause the eventual decline of capitalism

Tom had been steeving around all day and did the sum total of fuck all.

by DrHenryMoody July 5, 2010

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clicking around

The act of online cruising or looking for sex online. Comes from "tricking' and the click of a mouse on a computer. Hence "Clicking"

I stayed up all night Clicking around but got no luck.

by Vivitron228 December 4, 2006

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pussyfootin around

When someone says they'll do something but take way to long and then end up not doing said action.

Nick was pussyfootin around because he said he was going to hang out and took to long to get to my house then didn't even come.

by Jsizzle43 January 12, 2016

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fucking around

Not at all engaged in nothing productive. Though it may appear to an observer that the subject is doing nothing or thinly disguising his or her apparent idleness with misleading activity, the subject may be more open to the discovery of something new than if he/she was not fucking around.
Hence, fucking around may be a modest term for continuous searching, remaining open to any and all fresh input.
Fucking around may be experimentation in its noblest form.

"What are you doing?" (asked while doodling on the guitar)
"Oh, just fucking around." By such fucking around there may be a sudden new melody that comes to the one who doodles on the guitar.

by tim kibler July 24, 2006

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pikachuing around

To pikachu around is verb describing a state of being.

If you have two sides of a scale, and on the one you’re performing rigorous and annoying work and on the other side, you’re out with your friends having the time of your life, pikachuing around would fall right in the middle +2 toward the having fun side. It’s the state of not doing something annoying, but at the same time not doing something too exciting.

1)The state of not doing work or something annoying.
2)The state of not having a great time.
3)The most popular uses for pikachuing around are often used when you are a) online, b) watching tv or c) walking around aimlessly and also* in a good mood. (* It is key that you are not indifferent, then it would not be pikachuing around).

Please do not consider #3 to be a limitation to the definintion. A wide variety of other uses exists.

Questions about the reference to pikachu in this definition:

β€œPikachu” is specifically used due to the fact that the character pikachu himself is always +2 steps above being indifferent; happy go lucky if you will

Jim: So, did ya have big weekend?
Jenny: No, Bill and I just sat around and watched movies all weekend, basically we just pikachued around.”

β€œRather than do his work Brandon eneded up pikachuing around for four hours on ESPN.com”

by km254352 November 16, 2007

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fooling around

Three definitions:

1. Mock fighting or wrestling, horseplay, slapping, or grab-assing, usually indulged in by immature boys.

2. Adults who evade work responsibility by indulging in tomfoolery or idle socializing when there is work to be done.

3. Current euphemism for "have sex," having replaced "make love" about 25-30 years ago. "Fooling around" connotes sexual foreplay which may or may not lead to deliberate intercourse depending on the couple's tradition and current opportunity.


1-"Boys, if you don't stop that fooling around back there, I'm gonna turn this van around and we'll all go home."

2-"The phone was ringing, and where were the front-office employees? In the break room, fooling around as usual."

3-"There's nothing on TV and the kids are asleep. Feel like fooling around?"

by al-in-chgo August 18, 2010

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geeing around

Irish Slang Was introduced in the interests of political correctness as an alternative to the phallo-centric term pricking around. Although the terms are largely interchangeable, geeing around has come to have connotations of added listlessness or apathy. It has also become a less polite term than the male equivalent. Note however, that as with pricking around, a member of either gender can be said to be geeing around.

So what have you been doing all day?
Ah nothing really, just geeing around watching Richard & Judy, waiting for the post to arrive.

by ColinC June 12, 2006

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