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crooked bastard

refers to a Politian,business man, or member of your family who would lie, cheat, steal and just be an all around ass to get their way.

George Bush is such a crooked bastard, he could give a shit about oil prices cuz hes making money.
Steve, that crooked bastard cheated me out of 400 bucks!

by jager101 April 28, 2008

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slimy bastard

A sneaky assh0le that'll do anything for his own benefits while covering up his tracks and showing that ingenuine smile of brightness

I can't believe that Jake is a slimy bastard! I was sure he was a genuinely nice guy. The dude groped my dog's balls while I was watching him and made an excuse saying that he's totally straight and that he did it because the dog's balls looked like they were itching.

by Coolestk1dontheblock March 1, 2016

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Daughter of a Bastard

The inverse of an S.O.B is a D.O.B.

Daughter of a Bastard I just got fired!

by coolkhat May 13, 2014

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shitty bastard

a person who acts really stupid.

You are a dumb shitty bastard!

by Ur mutha March 28, 2005

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tractor bastard

A bastard with a tractor.

Hey, look at that tractor bastard.

by carl sancto June 17, 2004

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lying bastard

As symple as the term is. In which it means you are a lying bastard.

Dan is a lying bastard. That bastard!

by blah September 17, 2003

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crap bastard

1. Someone who has let another down, usually having reneged on a promise or understanding.

2. A person lacking integrity, who goes back on their word; typically due to laziness, cowardice and/or greed.

3. A severe character flaw, manifestation of irresponsibility.

The previous homeowner was supposed to have replaced the water heater before we'd moved in. Crap bastard!

He/She stood me up again. Crap bastard!

Wasn't he/she supposed to be looking for a job? Crap bastard!

by Kailash September 27, 2006

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