Probably the most massively overrated band on the planet, and if you don't agree with me, I could honestly care less, tried listening to a few of their songs and I was just not into it, they bascially sound just like every other band that you hear today, I honestly don't know what makes them so "different" from everybody else, oh I forgot, "ThEy'Re ThE rEaSoN rOcK mUsIc ExSiStS, tHeY rEvOlUtIoNiZeD it."
People praise these guys like they're better than every other band that exists, sure they mixed together elements of pop, folk music, rock, and blues together in their sound and music. But I just don't see the hype, I don't know maybe that's just me.
Beatles Fan: I love the Beatles so much, they're the greatest band of all time!
Me: eh I don't know, I'm not really all that into them.
Me: calm down I was just giving my opinion, Jesus Christ.
the best rock band to ever have walked this planet-no wait best musicians ever. among the greats of the music world, the beatles have embraced libertarian values like free speech and cannabis legalization in their works. they deserve the praise and respect they given-and their songwriting skills(mostly Lennon and McCartney's) are really, really damn good
the beatles are the best band ever
Shitty ass band from Britain that sucks ass
I Hate The Beatles
After many years of enduring all those beatlings, she finally set her foot on the soil outside.
Papaya Flower Beatle
A code phrase for either Blaberus Discoid or Blaptica Dubia Roaches.
The use of the code phrase is intended to avoid the use of the "red flag" word "ROACH" in an effort to keep women, neighbors, landlords and the general public (etc) from "freaking out" over their presence within the home.
Refer to the reptile feeders as "Hawaiian Papaya Beatles" and you'll save yourself a lot of headaches w/ the girlfriend.
A horrendous rip-off The Beatles that was mentioned in Wayne’s World.
David: What is your favorite band?
Joe: I like The Sh*tty Beatles.
David: We ain’t friends anymore.
Those latex willy wrapper's that have a distinct smell.
Make sure you wear your beatleskins, or she could kill yo kid, save money, or charge you for it, and still save money.
Beatle skin, a man's best friend, for the first time.