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ugly blackout day

A day on November 6th that started from TikTok where attractive aren’t supposed to post

Vinnie Hacker don’t yk it’s ugly blackout day why r u posting don’t yk ur not supposed to post today 🙄

by Dog lover 24 November 6, 2020

Redbull blackout

A redbull blackout is when someone purposely drinks many redbulls to effectively overdose on taurine' a chemical with a similar makeup of caffiene' which in turn give a blackout effect. You have very little cognition or control over your mind and emotions.

Jordan had a redbull blackout at avens party last night. Watch him the next time we go to one of his party's again.

by Ryan Erickson 55 July 31, 2020

Running blackout

Consuming vast quantities of stimulants (namely caffeine) followed by vast quantities of alcohol. The caffeine keeps you on your feet, the alcohol takes your inhibitions and blacks you out.

The result of this combination is a blacked out person who won't pass out.

Running blackouts usually result in stupider, more energetic behavior than a regular blackout.

Dude1: Oh bro, I had a wild night last night?
Dude2: What happened?
Dude1: I drank two bottles of 5 Hour Energy and a fifth of Jack. I don't remember anything but my friends told me I played pool and darts all night.
Dude2: Oh man, that's a RUNNING blackout!

by Herr Leiber January 27, 2012

Blackout crying

When crying is a lot like blackout drinking.

Sorry babe, I don't remember what we fought about, I was blackout crying.

by sysDump July 5, 2018

blackout brunch

Typically high-end, exclusive brunches that include an unlimited supply of alcohol and food. Starting sharply at 3pm, the brunch venue typically closes the curtains, dims the lights and brings in a DJ, turning the venue into a raging nightclub, but during the day.

I had an epic blackout brunch at Bagatelle last weekend

by blackoutbrunch.com February 19, 2015

Blackout Vegas

When you get so drunk, all mentions of what happened the night before are sworn secrets to all parties involved.

Dude You puked all over yourself last night! Me: What happens in Blackout Vegas stays in Blackout Vegas

by SHUshut May 6, 2018

African blackout

When a man enters his penis into a womans vagina before proceding to have intercorse in the butt while the female feriocsly shits down the mans penis before its insertied back into the womans mouth where she licks it clean and the procces starts again until orgasium

-Hey man you see that new trend
-what trend
-the african blackout
-ill look it up.....wtf

by jihfuiqhfuihrewf April 21, 2022