when a guy takes a shit in a condom and anal fucks a girl while she masturbates using the feces filled rubber
Chick: wow you really know how to give a girl a "brown bomber"
Guy: ewww
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when you fuck a girl so hard that you brake her hips with your cum
shit man, i might go to jail. i did that hoe so hard i turned into a Bangladesh bomber
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One who constantly sends text messages to/calls your mobile/cellular phone; "blowing up your phone."
You: Dude, my ex keeps blowing up my phone.
Friend: I try not to date cellular bombers; maybe you should be more like me?
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A noun meaning someone who acts like a complete tool.
Scot Frink is the biggest bode bomber I know.
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Middle aged children who modify 8,000lb trucks to belch thick, black smoke thinking they are producing a "performance" vehicle. Akin to a teenage tuner, they lack the mental capacity to make intelligent decisions.
Those Diesel Bombers are making a cloud of soot to show people they're too dumb to tune an engine properly.
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Someone who kills the moment, ruins the fun or says something completely stupid.
Mike: Have you seen the Last Mimzy?
Charlie: No,I haven't seen the first.
Arturro: Wow, you Fag Bomber!
Brad: Charlie can you get me a glass of water?
Charlie: What flavor?
(everyone laughs at him)
Brad: Charlie you Fag Bomber!
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homicide bombing
n. A bombing that intentionally kills another person; a suicide bombing in which the bomber's primary intent is to kill other people. βhomicide bomber, n.
Example Citation:
An experimental government program which uses tiny plastic particles to help trace explosives has led to an arrest in a homicide-bombing case, the Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said Monday.
βThe Associated Press, June 18, 1979
Earliest Citation:
''We're working systematically very, very hard in arduous conditions,'' Killorin said. ''This is what we know. The man is in the area. We've confirmed that. Absolutely, we're very careful because this person is wanted for a homicide bombing.''
βKathy Scruggs, "Manhunt for Rudolph expected to drag on," The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, July 22, 1998
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