Source Code

kk bye

kk bye

Tessa said kk bye

by llama avocado lemmon December 3, 2018

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

bye philippΓ©

Like Bye Felicia, but specifically to call out toxic masculinity. Bye PhilippΓ© is used to exit a conversation in which a male-presenting person is unable or unwilling to hear and validate what a female-presenting person is saying in spite of the scientific and/or academic evidence presented. A female-presenting person uses this term when it is clear that the premise of the conversation is that she should be doing all of the emotional labor and carrying all of the burden of the emotional comfort and percieved emptional safety of the male-presenting person.

I see that, in spite of all of the evidence I have presented, you are continuing to insist that I am wrong because that is not how you percieve the world in spite of the fact that we are discussing womens rights; Bye PhilippΓ©

by DirtygirlMarie February 22, 2018

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

bye felicia

pretty much a girl that is really annoying and nobody likes her. she's just a thot like a maaaajjjjjjjjjooooooorrrrrr THOT. when you really dislike someone so much that you just cant stand. so you make your friend go talk to her sister so she can go with you and say "bye felicia" when you walk away.

troy- "what?"
kimmy- "BYE FELICIA"
*continuously laughs and walks away*

by sahaaarrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh December 2, 2014

71πŸ‘ 379πŸ‘Ž

Okay bye!

Okay bye is another form of asking " are you joking me?". It can also mean "whatever" or "I can't believe he/she said that!". You can also use it when you see something that is not okay, disturbing, or really funny. It is commonly used in the female population.

Boy: " You look like Air Bud"
Girl: OKAYBYE! No I don't

Girl 1: " Did you see that girls camel toe?!"
Girl 2: "Yeah and i was like OKAY BYE!"

by keekakookawagwa August 4, 2009

6πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Bye Felipe

Saying bye to someone who's Mexican, because he be running!!

Juan, the police is here, Bye Felipe!!!

by Kunlao1985 April 14, 2015

18πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

Boy bye

Boy bye represents saying bye bye, but with a certain accent.

Boy bye, everyone!

by Dictiodude February 12, 2018

10πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

bye filancia

Male version of "bye felicia". When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two shits less that they are. Fuck em. Their name then becomes "filancia", a random fuck boy that nobody is sad to see leave. Because fuck em. They're real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is there like fuck boys. Just fuck em. Instead, they now are "filancia" The new fuck boy.

"hey guys i'm gonna go"

"bye filancia"

"who is filancia?"

"exactly filancia". buh bye." (Some time passes) "Fucccckkkkkk bbbboooooyyyyyy"

by Au KJTR ftw January 5, 2015

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž