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Mcdouble Chin

When a double chin is so strong that that it was clearly created by consuming Mcdoubles.

Dam girl your mcdouble chin looks so good I could lick the big Mac sauce off of it.

by Chazmorello July 20, 2020

Ginger chin

A ginger chin is a nearly indestructible chin that is owned by a redhead in a boxing/MMA match.

Matt Frevola's ginger chin don't care about those jabs. It is soulless and feels nothing.

by Drewrit21 January 24, 2021

Noah's Chin

Slang for a really nice chin.

Damnn that guy has a true Noah's chin

by Dreamcast Soup March 16, 2021

3 Chins

3 Chins was a very intelligent tech wiz and RuneScape player. He was the second member of the cipati trio including krot & togo. The man barely got a 99 and is expected to max in the year 2042. Other than tinkering with technology, the bald hillbilly loves harley davison motorcycles, punjabi music, and randomly knocking people out. Also, he has gone missing. Please find him

3 chins, please come home.

by Glennbeck November 24, 2021

Chin pokie

Chin Pokies are a cute, community oriented, art-based penis NFT project bringing dope utility and good vibes.

Hey, is that a Chin Pokie you've got in your ewallet or are you just happy to see me?

by kittens mitten April 1, 2022

Doctor Chin

A doctor who does plastic surgery on himself and others to gain their double chins. :))))

Ew your double chin looks horrendous! Go see Doctor Chin for a replacement

by Hyun-Jae May 22, 2020

Chins you

Basically means "ah unlucky" or "thats tough for you" in a mocking matter.
When saying the "you", you have to extend it and say it in a goofy voice

lil midge: boeden said i gotta stay after school today
spagz: chins you lad

by poopmongerer69 September 21, 2022