Making a complete bollocks of it.
See: Brexit, Yellowhammer no deal Brexit Assessment, Conservative Government, Prime Minister Boris Johnson
“Brexit is a clusterfuck”
“Yellowhammer shows We’re all clusterfucked”
“The Conservative Government have made a complete clusterfuck of everything”
“Boris lied to the Queen, He’s caused a clusterfuck ”
Life experiences manifested by a person/s fearlessly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with the faith that every mistake is a learning.
“Thank clusterfuck for that, Amen!”
A Rainbow Six siege term commonly used when Fuze sends his cluster charge but since it destroys everything in its path we call it Clusterfuck instead of cluster charge.
Oh shit, here comes CLUSTERFUCK!
When your Mrs hangs too much shit on your kids walls, over decorating.
This is a clusterfuck!!!
Minimise the shit on the wall
Vulgar slang term used to refer to a situation which has been undertaken poorly and mishandled.
Boris Johnson's way of handling the pandemic has been one massive clusterfuck, and again he's contributed to the UK falling in shit tons of debt due to having to borrow money from other countries to give benefits to those on furlough. This wouldn't have happened if he had enforced a strict lockdown like New Zealand. New Zealand has made it out the worst of the pandemic with a low covid death toll and stable economic welfare! Funny that innit?!
Coming that’s just so messed up, it’s beyond repair.
The school system is a clusterfuck
Another word for a gangbang.
Oh, I'm so participating in that clusterfuck.