Colby is a very intelligent and sexy human being, he is very athletic and strong. He will spend most of his life trying to ensure others are happy. They are definitely boyfriend material, most loyal people you'll ever meet. They are always there for you when you need and can always cheer you up. You'll never meet anyone better than a Colby. Consider yourself beyond lucky to have met a Colby. Colby's are fucking hot so if you have one keep him away from other girls. That's how I sum up Colby
Girl : Woahhhh Colby is a fucking babe
Boy: I'd go gay for Colby
Colby is an absolute pedophile that has no life. Usually lonely, a “Colby” has divorced parents that hate him. Also, a “Colby” might have a huge interest in a sport, but sucks at all of them. Someone like this also hits on any girl that smiles at him.
“Oh man, that guy just got beat up, must be a Colby”.
“Wow, that’s one ugly motherfucker, his name has to be Colby”