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Doobie Dengus

Another name for a joint or marijuana cigarette. Used in Glasgow Scotland, Sligo Ireland and Galway Ireland.

Right man, lets go for a doobie dengus.


by da-bhoys April 8, 2011

The Doobie Effect

noun. the character in mention appears larger once indoors.

He looks smaller out here. It’s the Doobie Effect.

by lorddoobie May 16, 2023


A term to show love and affection that means, I love you so and I will never let you go.

It was first used in the song Dooby-Dooby-Wah by Ritchie Valens.


by Joey922 December 21, 2021

zooby dooby

zooper dooper

person a: 'why are you eating a lemon zooby dooby'
person b: 'cola zooby doobies are so overated'

by leo5540 June 21, 2022

doobie doob

The smallest joint you'll ever see

"Damn that's one tiny doobie doob!"
"Yeah but it's some goood stuff"
"bruh don matter build another one."

by TheDude545 September 18, 2017

Dooby Wooby

An absolute sket. Is extremely mean to Kiera’s. Can be quite funny but has a very annoying laugh

Did you see that dooby Wooby ? Yh deanna is horrible

by Fordy101 April 21, 2020

Dooby Wooby

A little sket. Is an absolute bully especially to people called Kiera. Can be quite funny and trusting but she’s also very meann

Did you meet that dooby wooby ? Yhhh that deanna is a real b***h

by Fordy101 April 21, 2020