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Nazi Dope

A slang word for Methamphetamines, or Crystal Meth as it is more commonly known. Nazi Dope is reportedly a much purer form of Meth than usual, however this is not related to the name in any way. The name refers to the original drug of Meth combined with Caffeine, originally created by German scientists during World War II to increase the endurance of their soldiers. Since however the Caffeine element of this War drug has been removed, and the name has stuck.

Nazi Dope Crystal meth ice crank tina

by Depo1 September 10, 2010

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Dope Dick

The inability to get or keep an erection because of methamphetamine use.

Man, I tried to bone this chick but i couldn't because of dope dick.

by pinksocketmonkey June 26, 2020

31๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Doped up

Doped up-
A drug (not specifically pot or herione) induced state that leaves you unable or in no position to do anything of any sort unless it involves screaming, laughing, crying the climbing of trees the eating of grass on all fours, as well as talking to people, no one else can see, Usually caused from ingesting the drug known as Lsd or magical mushrooms or any mix of drugs that turn any sane person into a nutcase. Permanent states of doped up or better-known as insanity can be caused by bad acid and mescaline.

- "Hey man, who was that kid running down the street naked." " "Not a clue, just another doped up kid."
"sweet jesus im so doped up i dunno which is what"

by good person February 5, 2006

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dope dick

When you are horny, but it is nearly impossible to ejaculate due to opiate depressants.

I was late because those painkillers gave me dope dick, and it took me an hour and a half to jerk off.

by pill popper June 10, 2006

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dope zones

A positive affirmation; typically expressed in acknowledgement of a situation that is particularly rad, in which the vibes are especially dope.

I listened to his new album, dope zones man, dope zones all around.

by zopedones April 14, 2011

Dope Ceiling

The Dope Ceiling is when you experience a high so high that you cannot get any higher.

Person 1: Hey, you should take another hit!
Person 2: No point! I've already hit the Dope Ceiling, can't get any higher!

by 2d0peb0yzinaCadillac January 27, 2012

dope money

Money that is gained by selling drugs

Dealer: you want some money
Dealer's friend: I don't want that dope money

by Jimanto November 11, 2020