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Choco1ate Factory

A thots booty hole its stinky but tasty

S🅰️dies Choco1ate Factory malfunctioned so my broom stick is covered in chocolate

by Stink hole clogger February 19, 2020

Banger factory

A banger factory is an album where all if not all of the songs in it are absolute bangers

Friend 1: You heard BFTD2?
Friend 2: It’s a banger factory, lord bless chief Sosa

by Faneto Finesse May 5, 2020

whale factory

The place where mythical whales are created

When I'm older I want to work at a whale factory!

by Oxygen Farmer March 9, 2016

giggle factory

an institution reserved and maintained for those among us who are insane.

the voices in grandpa's head got so bad we had to commit him to the giggle factory.

by banjobill January 24, 2009

maggot factory

a dead animal, usually a meat-bearing animal which is high on the food chain, which has lain on the ground long enough for the flies to plant their eggs.

I hit a deer on the way from work three days ago and killed it; if nobody picked it up, it's a big maggot factory by now.

by prairie_looner June 23, 2006

Muscle Factory

A place where only the alpha males go to pump iron. Legend says their arms are bigger than your legs.

Muscle Factory - where Moulder got boulders for shoulders

by Kineton Florists March 14, 2019

Chowder Factory

An organization or place whose population consists of a large percentage of females with substandard personal hygiene.

Glad I don't live downwind of that sorority, it's a freakin' chowder factory!

by TheLivingGoober August 21, 2016