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fifty brokeback

large oddly shaped A bunker, premired at the 05/06 national colegiate painball league championships

go do him hes at the fifty brokeback

by Canonball August 30, 2006


Man pays 50 dollars for a plan B just to ejaculat in a girl who can get pregnant.

I'm going out tonight and getting me a plan b fifty dollar nut tonight.

by Reeeseee June 11, 2021

1👍 1👎

fifty wiper

When you go for a shit and after you've finished it takes many and much toilet tissue to get a clean result. As opposed to a good clean shit where you are claps shut with no residue to smear about

Thought I was going for a quick shit but it turned into a fifty wiper

by Ploppy son of Ploppy November 15, 2017

Nineteen fifty seven

Also see: 1957
A birth year for people who partied in the 70's. Most all these people did drugs, had sex and listened to rock and roll! A person who was born in nineteen fifty seven, would become 52 in the year 2009.

"Hey, I remember her from the 70s! She was born in nineteen fifty seven".

by mpharn May 23, 2009

Fifty Flaw

The Fifty Flaw sais if there is 50% chance of something going bad and 50% chance of something going good the bad thing will always happen to you. "It's almost like there is 100% chance of everything going wrong." The acceptance of this "flaw" as plausible is often based on personal experience. It's a very moderate pessimistic claim nothing extreme.

-50% of men get cancer.
-Guess i'll die. Fifty Flaw.

by NotBadIntent August 26, 2018