Auto freeze is a setting on your computer or mobile device that can only be turned off by submitting, F, Tab, control. If that did not work out. In order to turn it off you have to make sure it’s on.
Martha: My computer froze! I must have Auto- Freeze on!
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A phrase used when one gets angry or frustrated at somebody esle.
Did you just eat my leftovers?! You're really freezing my cheese right now.
When a black man says “yo ima freeze you with dis chocolate”
Freeze you with this chocolate, means he gonna put u in a wheelchair and make you paralyzed (aka frozen)
when a giant glob of kids playing freeze tag get caught all in the same spot by one individual or when the taggers tag a large portion of the runners in one area.
Freeze tag blob:
the kindergarten kids started a game of freeze tag almost immediately 10 of the 14 kids playing got caught by the taggers in the corner of the gym.
When it is October (spooky season) you play freeze tag but in stead of tagging the frozen person to unfreeze them you smack the hell outta there ass!.
You and your friends are playing a slightly gay or sexual October freeze tag
When the chicks all stop replying on Sunday morning after a wild Saturday night on Chad Thundercock's dick
Stacy gave me the Sunday morning freeze after a long night on Chad Thundercock's penis
An incredibly painful version of freeze tag, where boys can only be frozen by getting hit in the balls. Usually results in the tagged person being frozen in a humiliating doubled over position and silently suffering through ball ache while waiting for the game to end.
Want to play extreme freeze tag?
He froze with a grimace on his face and instantly regretted agreeing to play extreme freeze tag with these bullies.