Source Code

sir devitt iii

An ancient elder of Wingham origin, is thick in frame and has arms that the size of the clouds that loom Everest.

Sir devitt iii

by Sir Devitt III November 10, 2017

Wet William James the III

The act of sticking your finger in your mouth then put it in your ass and finger blast a motherfucking fuck bitch in the ear.

Tamiqua gave me a Wet William James the III when i slept over her crib.

by tuggiespecialist69 April 11, 2023

Plusherfunfushertoegusherlymagee XDestos III


Have you heard of Plusherfunfushertoegusherlymagee XDestos III? He is a war criminalist and magics all over the place!

by Plusher XD October 24, 2023

JiMal The III

A mix of Jamal and Jit they make Jimal The III The 1st and 2nd died

I saw Jimal the III and I got Possessed

by Yungdaghet November 25, 2022

JiMal The III

A mix of Jamal and Jit they make Jimal The III The 1st and 2nd died

I saw Jimal the III and I got Possessed

by Yungdaghet November 25, 2022

Luke III

Asshole that wears people's clothes without permission.

Hey, did you see that guy Luke III wearing Andres' clothes?

by Ace Ftw March 5, 2009