Most grim and frostbitten landscape on Earth! Favourite vacation spot of the Necrowizard. Serious evil-doing known to take place there.
Located within the frozen uplands of Necrodeathmortum (upper upstate northern Norway), the inverted necromountain features several ski resorts where inverted moongoats are lusftully worshipped while skiing down (or up -it's inverted).
The only grim and frostbitten gay bar on earth was open somewhere within the necromountain, but its exact location is still unknow. The bar is allegedly managed by members of the band Immortal.
Country Roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West inverted necromountain
Take me home, country roads
A great Undertale AU with a banger soundtrack. Basically Asriel messed up while resetting time on a failed pacifist route and all the characters swapped roles but not personalities. It’s awesome you should check it out.
Inverted Fate is one of many Undertale Alternate Universes
The chili that works it way into a man's penis after having a chili dog.
Dude, I was pissing brown for two days from an inverted chili dog!
The shit that gets inside the penis after a chili dog.
I was pissing brown for a week from an inverted chili dog!
The shit that works it way into the penis after a chili dog.
That inverted chili dog had me pissing brown for week!
While having a chili dog, the "chili" gets packed into the "dog".
I was pissing brown for a week from and inverted chili dog!
Where you align your anal cavities and fart into each others ass holes simultaneously
Hey Jeremy, Want to run an inverted tortoise later?