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National give your friend money day

A day where you give somebody money because why not usually occurs everyday

“If he can’t break bread he fake

“National give your friend money day”

by Coolguy7923 November 7, 2022

International give your best friend a kiss on the cheek day

He/she are your best friend, do you seriously need an explanation? GO KISS THEM ON THE CHEEK

karl walks in, Joy jumps on him and gives him a kiss, and does he, then they scream HAPPY INTERNATIONAL GIVE YOUR BEST FRIEND A KISS ON THE CHEEK DAY!

by thebanguditsa September 24, 2019

National beat the living fuck out of your best friend day

Beat the absolute fuck out of your best friend on April 19th

I can’t wait for National beat the living fuck out of your best friend day!

by xx.l0ser.g0ldie.xx April 17, 2023

Abuse your friend day

An international holiday where people must abuse their friends in whatever way possible. It is celebrated on the 23rd February annually.

Abuse your friend day is coming up soon.

by DCVBREFD February 18, 2023

As your friend wtf is your address

A polite way to ask for an address of a friend while expressinging drunken enthusiasm about goings on.

As your friend wtf is your address sounds dope lfg

by markarolli2445 October 28, 2023

your best friend

Is your opposite.Instead of you he is a good,healthy and responsable person.He is very sociable and all people likes he.

You:Who is the best person you have ever met?
X: Your best friend

by youuoy November 15, 2021

Slap your pickle friend

Do you have a friend that likes, wait no, LOVES pickles? If you do, do you want to slap them? Yes? I thought so.

That’s why, on the penultimate Tuesday of March, SLAP THEM. Why? BECAUSE IT’S NATIONAL SLAP YOUR PICKLE FRIEND DAY!

Pickle friend: Owwww! What was that for?!
You: It was for liking pickles so much! It’s national “Slap your pickle friend day” today! And you can’t get me back! Eveerrr. Bye bye!
Pickle friend: Yeh, I get that, but it still REALLY HURTS.
You: What can I say, I’m strong!

by Kermit your mum March 22, 2022