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Minor Macking

The act of an older male Macking, hooking up or getting with a girl who is much younger then him, Usually this occurs in high school with older guys and is usually a particular senior who choose to go for freshmen and violate the two year rule.

Mackafreshmen is the king of Minor Macking there he goes macking another freshmen.. holy shit thats the 50th time this year when are these girls going to learn?...IDK

by Mackaminor June 25, 2010

Vast Minority

A minority which is allowed far more sway than is indicated by their contribution and membership numbers.

The Vast Minority of shareholders are trying to take the company private.
The Vast Minority realizes that "the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

by Douglas45 November 6, 2023

Minors DNI

Minors Do Not Interact
Often used for Lewdtubers, NSFW accounts, or SFW accounts who wanted to keep minors away from their profile because they don't want to be a creep or a PDF file.

See also, MDNI, 18+ only, 🔞 (No One Under 18 emoji)

Example: Minors DNI 🔞

by ぴょぴょ July 4, 2024

5👍 8👎

flat minor

It’s a woman ( or man ) under 18 who is not fully developed in the chest area.

Wow that’s a flat minor!

by readysethaction July 2, 2018

Minor Jam

A melody or music that is probably not a good song, but still kind of has some bops.

My guy, Don, he showed me some music he made at 3 in the morning. It was pretty shit, but I’m not gonna lie, it was kinda a minor jam”

by Doc Mister May 2, 2022

Minor Emergency Clinic

Any bar or tavern on your way home from work.

Man, I really need to stop at a Minor Emergency Clinic after work today!

by coolarrow January 31, 2011

fuckable minor

This term is for someone who is between the age 18-20, since they are above the age of consent so they’re legally “fuckable” but they aren’t still treated as full adults since they cannot drink, smoke, gamble, or do other adult activities.

How old is she she doesn’t look like she’s below 19?
Don’t worry bro she’s a fuckable minor, she just turned 20 last week. Still can’t rent a car though :(

by Antwan Guzzels May 28, 2024