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meth swamp pedo whore

A cross between every kind of wrong a woman could be.

Did you see my Ex's new Karma punishment? She is a new breed we are deeming Meth swamp pedo whore.

by Starcitychild September 13, 2017

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To have sex with burning, dead puppies

"Steve": bob beleives in a Pyro-pedo-beaste-necrophilism
"Larry": those poor puppies

by catalyist613 August 30, 2009

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que pedo trais buey?

A challenge to fight. Mexican slang. When one Mexican mad dogs another Mexican, it is the usual reply. Directly meaning "what the fuck you trippen on, asshole?" Or "what the fuck is your trip asshole?" A usual reply when a stranger get's involved in another's arguement. A reply when a stranger gives another a dirty look.

Roberto walked down the streets of East Los Angeles. A group of cholos standing on the corner looked at him as he walked by and said :"Que pedo trais buey?"

by Danbridge September 25, 2007

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Pedo Band Teacher

1. When a band teacher has her 13 year old student fuck her with a flute. As this happens she queefs into the flute, playing it thru the pussy.
2. When a band teacher fucks her underage student on top the piano keys in such a way it plays Beethoven.
3. When a horny band teacher gets her 12 year old student to fuck her with his tromboner.

Dude I totally nailed my Pedo Band Teacher.

by Bridgett Szychulski March 22, 2017

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Pedo Joe and the Nappy Headed Hoe

A term used to describe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in a nasty way due to pictures of Biden sniffing little kids surfacing and Harris known to be sleeping with older married men in order to advance in her political career.

Trump had the election stolen from him. No way I'm gonna support Pedo Joe and the Nappy Headed Hoe

by TommyNoleBuc June 6, 2021

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National Bully a Pedo Day

On November 28th, people are allowed to bully any Pedophiles on an extreme level.

That fucker wasn't ready when I was participating in National Bully a Pedo Day.

by TSZ_YT November 27, 2020

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Sweting like a pedo in court

Cornish Slang Cornwall England) to swet like hell)

Boy A I'm sweting like a pedo in court
Boy B well u would if u have been playing football(English Football)

by Ann The Ginger Man February 13, 2009

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