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1- major pwning in a videogame, in which you make your opponent(s) out to be a noob.

2- The action of incessantly calling someone a noob.

1- Yo brah, I was noobing so much last night when I was playin world of war craft.

2- George would not stop noobing me. It made me feel incredibly inferior.

by KAnst October 21, 2009

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an unexperienced person.
usually a term used in online gaming.

Sanktuarymerchant is such a noob!

by lilchristiano January 4, 2008

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an absolute retard who spends most or all of his time on a netgame or forum, acting dumb and irrational.
Occasionally confused with "newb" which is a person who is new to a game, a noob/n00b/nub/nubz0r may be very familiar with said game, but because of his total lack of an IQ still suckx and refuses to admit so.
Noobs may also continuously spam or annoy people with their idiotic nerdspeak "1337 or n00bish" thus leading them to be banned, squelched, or ignored entirely.
Many noobs also lack friends, people who care about them, the ability to speak normally, and a life in general.

noob: LAWLAWLAWLAWL I PWN JOO!!!!!1!!!1111ONE!!
person: do everyone a favour and stop breathing

(look up elementalkirby on youtube, primary example of noob)

by kingofcupcakes September 1, 2007

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A common word refering to new players on video games, online websites, ect; generally used by people that eat balled cheetos and whack off to World of Warcraft.

(Two guys playing W.O.W.)

Guy 2: "Alright! We just pwned that dragon mate"

Guy 1: "Hell yeah! Hey. I'll brb. I'm gonna get some cheetos"

Guy 2: "....Noob"

by J.A.T & A.J.P November 9, 2009

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Noob is a word meaning lack of experience.
Noobs often go by the name kelly.
They also like to say anal alot.

Eg of wat a noob would say:
"Hey cloe, wanna have anal on the kamakazi?"

by lolz2286 November 14, 2007

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People who are either new to a game or comptely suck at it.

On counter-strike when some1's score has more then a 1-2 kill death ratio then are a noob! example of that would be, 1kill and 30deaths.

by DukeXRion August 28, 2007

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character from the Mortal Kombat video game.

Noob is my favorite MK fighter. I win every time with him.

by Chevez September 16, 2007

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