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Palm Springsteen

A sick band with even sicker members. Their fanbase is full of fuckin crackheads and the lead singer has an odd fascination with avocados but it’s fine. Also, the guitarist is basically Keanu Reeves so you have no choice but to stan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Stream Hey There Cowgirl by Palm Springsteen

by whiskeyroscoe November 1, 2019

Palm Pointe

Legally I Can't Define This

"You go to Palm Pointe?"
"Yeah why?"
'No wonder you get no girls"

by georgewashington1776 January 17, 2023

Palm Party

To throw caution to the wind, to live for the moment and ignore established safety guidelines, to act selfishly and with total disregard for all others

Wow, look at all those people ignoring social distancing rules - it's a real Palm Party!

by PhilMcAvity June 28, 2020

Paradise Palms

A person on Twitter who is very friendly. Can be annoying and likes Paradise Palms.

"Paradise Palms is the best poi"

by Yote7893 October 8, 2020

Palm Yeti

When finishing sexual intercourse in doggy style, ejaculate into your hand, then yell "LOOK! A SASQUATCH!" and then proceed to throw it at your partner's face when they turn back around, confused.
*Note: Sexual intercourse is not a prerequisite for the palm yeti, you must just ejaculate into your hand.
A business partner may also suffice.


"Hey, Mr. Johnson, can you take a look at these spreadsheets- OH MY GOD! LOOK! A SASQUATCH!"
*Throws semen on Mr. Johnson*

Mr. Johnson:

by Beniamin June 25, 2012

palm music

Honking your horn at the moron on the road while driving. Named as such because the honking "music" is being played with the palm of the hand.

"This jerk thinks he can just sit on the road and block traffic? Maybe a little palm music will get him moving."

by DJKydKrazy May 9, 2016


1. The cooler, more educated way to say *face-palm*.
2. A common mistake made by Tennesseans, viewed as improper to the rest of the 49 states, and even fellow Volunteer Staters.

1. G: Just because its on urbandictionary doesnt make it true

R: *palm-face*. yes it does.

by sameasB4 January 20, 2011

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