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white chocolate raspberry cheesecake

an orgasm for your mouth.

the guy totally just white chocolate raspberry cheesecaked all in my mouth

by lizzieanne January 21, 2009

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

dirty raspberry houdini swirl

A combination of a dirty houdini and a raspberry swirl, this is where you are doing a girl doggy style, then pull it out and spit on her back. When she turns to look at you, you shoot it right in her face and then punch her in the nose, so she has blood and cum dripping down her face.

A dirty raspberry houdini swirl is the funniest thing anyone could ever do to a girl.

by JC Lisbon May 2, 2005

99πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž

raspberry-lemonade type of vibe

when you're on a raspberry-lemonade type of vibe, you're either pure ice kappn, or pure ultra instinct. you'll know when you know. you'll be on cloud nine, or the depths of thames river. if you're on cloud nine, you're just on another level. teleportation. clairvoyance. finesse god 1000. if you're pure ice kappn, it's over for you. your day is ruined. everything becomes automatic, perhaps nicolimatic. truly a gamble worthy of the gods.

bro, you see C? C's on a raspberry-lemonade type of vibe and he showed up in a unique form today, kinda bad bro.
i think if you're on that vibe, you can even teleport from place to place!
nah i think they could be pure ice kappn. let's see what's popping.

by Twelve Express November 4, 2020

Peach Raspberry iced tea

The best drink ever made on EARTH! YUM

customer: Can i have iced tea please?

Server: Sure, would you like regular or the worlds greatest Peach Raspberry iced tea???

Customer: the best peach raspberry iced tea sounds great!

by Tabbers August 30, 2008

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Rootin' Tootin' Jamaican Chocolate Raspberry

When a girl has diarrhea, and you ask her to fart in your mouth, but she squirts a little diarrhea in your mouth when she does it. It makes you sick, so you vomit, but you vomit in your own crotch. Then, she puts her vagina against your vomit covered crotch, and queefs. At the same time, she starts her period, so your crotch gets covered with menstrual blood too. The acid in your barf start rotting her cunt, and chunks of it fall off. Her 4 year old comes in and eats the chunks, and you chop both of their heads off with a tomahawk.

I want to give Shabombu Rimjob Honeycomb Heaton a rootin' tootin' jamaican chocolate raspberry after she's done taking it up the gary. If she's too tired, she can just give me a regular jamaican raspberry

by Dingleberry Rock November 30, 2004

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Dirty Sanchez with a Raspberry flavoured Suckerpunch

First you take any random girl that has her period, this is important. Now you fuck her in the pussy, and proceed to fisting her really hard. Dont wipe your arm. Then you turn her over and have hard anal-sex. Then just as you are about to cum, stop and spit on her back. She will turn around and you cum in her face, knock her out cold with your red and bloody fist and then you draw a moustache on her.

Man, me and my dad was dealing out Dirty Sanchez with a Raspberry flavoured Suckerpunch all last night

by Kingz March 29, 2008

68πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž

Raspberry Kiss

The slang term for placing your lips against any area of skin, and blowing. When performed against the skin of another person, it is often a form of tickling.

The Raspberry kiss is often done directly on the tip of the clitoris. This causes an intense vibration against the area.

Careful, I might tie you down and give you little raspberry kisses until you’re squealing like a giggly little baby.

by Ticklechambers March 2, 2023