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Irish shave

pertaining to defecation

i better go take an Irish shave, that curry i had last night seems to have worked its way through.

by Dunky Oggins November 14, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

shaved possum


I went to a hoe-down and saw a bunch of shaved possums.

by GY4444 February 18, 2012

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

shave tail louie

" Shave tail " was a term originally used in the 19th century among U.S. cavalry regiments. Newly assigned cavalry troopers were given horses with a shaved tail, to let other troopers know that the rider was dangerously inexperienced, and should be given extra room to maneuver during training. " Louie " is a nickname for lieutenant, the lowest ranking, and least experienced, rank among U.S. Marine Corps officers."

In Avatar, "Colonel Quaritch mentions that being on Pandora made him feel "like a shave tail Louie."

by Kiwi.baby September 8, 2017

85๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

acoustic shave

Where one's singing shaves off one or many needed notes.

At karaoke, Jebus' acoustic shave of Born to be Wild really butchered the song.

by Jozef de Beer March 29, 2008

27๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yak shaving

Shaving a beard gained while drinking an absurd quantity of yak. Sobering up looking good

Yak shaving means shave that yak quit every recreational drug and alcoholic beverages and submit to me CEEACMBAEBUO

by CEEACMBAEBUO March 17, 2021

16๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž

Post Shave Clarity

When you decide you gotta shave, and after you do it you get lucid and instantly regret it because you look like a baby.

Jerry: Damn David you look like shit why did you shave?
David: I know bro, Post Shave Clarity just hit me hard

by FanciestPseudonyms March 19, 2020

shit shower shave

Shit, shower, and shave (the British military called it "ablutions") was a phrase that originated in WWI, where the US military tried to "train" soldiers to perform certain functions ( to shit, shower, and you guessed it) in the morning so as to not be interrupted during actual combat (WWI was primarily a "daylight" war). By the end of WWII, combat was a 24 hour event, and they could never actually TRAIN the body to crap on command, so the practice was dropped. I've never heard anyone use it who wasn't a veteran of WWII. My dad (a WWII marine) used to say it in the morning and assumed that I (A Vietnam vet) knew what he was talking about. I just thought to myself "gee, dad, that's a weird thing to share..."

shit shower shave

Well, time to go shit, shower, and shave.

by Maxsdad October 29, 2019

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