The 'Slipper Dip' is when after a night of heavy drinking a person partakes soon after awakening.
Bro like this morning i felt so hungover but then i Slipper Dipped and now its all good.
It's it a type of slide shoe that you slide on that your mama take off to whoop yo ass
Bob: yo my momma pulled out the slipper flop on me today
Arthur: what's a slipper flop
Bob: a slide shoe
When you are that crazy (out of your mind, actual lost it mukka, death very soon)
He’s Actual lost it, a pure slipper clapper
A Crisco Slipper is when you sneak up on some while they're sleeping and put Crisco on their genitals.
I totally prank john last night I gave him a Crisco slipper and he didn't even wake up
We called them slipper lobsters in Hawaii but now are called Lord Lobsters
Someone who tip-toes around the house. A feminine man, gay man. faggot
That guy is a little funny, I think he’s a bit soft in the slippers.
Sandals without toe thongs; slides
I don't have time to lace my sneaks, so I'm gonna rock my hood slippers.