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Sneaky Weins

If the chick you're trying to holla at isn't down to fuck, you convince her to "take it slow" and then sneak your dick in once you get the panties off. Hence, sneaky weins.

Tommy is the king of sneaky weins - the bitches never see it coming!

by Shank-the-tank February 1, 2009

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Sneaky Santa

When you secretly nut on your girl's pillow right before bed on Christmas eve. She lays down to await Santa's arrival, only to find that he's already arrived, and it's on her chin.

Susan was pissed when she got my Sneaky Santa, but I did it for the 'gram.

by MagentaMickeyMantle December 9, 2020

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sneaky bevvies

Alcoholic drinks which are consumed with the intention of higher authority not knowing.

Aaron: Wanna come to the pub for a beer mate?

Edwin: Sorry Aaron can't. I've been out all weekend and my wife will kill me if I have one.

Aaron: What about we go the shed for some sneaky bevvies?

Edwin: Sounds good.

by Walley123 March 28, 2011

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Sneaky Parrot

Sneaking up behind a seated person and placing one's penis on their shoulder. The parroter should not giggle during the approach as it will counteract the sneakiness.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was a penis, and I was the victim of a Sneaky Parrot.

by MeryBely May 22, 2011

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Sneaky Stiffler

When a person consumes a large amount of alcohol and becomes unfunctional. Then, when everyone is asleep, they sneak to the nearest end table or coffee table, and urinate profusely under the table as though it were a toilet.

"Man, that was a great party last night."

"Yeah, especailly when Tom pulled that sneaky stiffler."

by Sneaky Stiffler February 4, 2009

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Sneaky Gorilla

A term coined by a local Minnesota Musician. To monkey punch someone then as they are blacked out, drop their pants and jam a banana up their ass after screaming a statement with "Sneaky Gorilla" in it.

The last thing that groupie remembers it "BLAAAAAM SNEAKY GORILLA BITCH!!!" Before waking up with a banana crammed in her asshole.

by TalkSic Terror October 5, 2009

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sneaky snake

the art of masturbateing in your room when a family member is in the next room

(Your in your room jacking it)
mom/wife-IM HOME!
you- oh shit(pull up pants fast)
you just pulled a sneaky snake

by ragequiter March 4, 2011

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