When you have a sneeze coming and, like a tease, it decides not to just before it happens.
Hold up, gotta sneeze. Ah.. AH- ...God damn Tease Sneeze!
When you not even hard but u still jizzing
"Hey man trisha just walked past my house today and I had a sneezing squidward"
"aww sweet "
"I had to change my pants in the car"
What happens during a blow job when you finish the deed and semen/spit drips out of your mouth and onto the other person's dick
"I was finishing up going down my man, when I ended up sneezing on the dog."
when you sneeze with food and your mouth and it goes spewing everywhere
Do you have any napkins I power sneezed on the table
When you sneeze while recording or in voice chat and it blows out peoples ears.
"Fuck dude, you just blew out my headphones!"
"You just Gamer Sneezed on."
An extremely putrid fart. A pass of gas that could be confused as a sneeze from the devil himself.
{while driving in a car with the windows rolled up}
Did satan sneeze? My word, a little warning next time. My nose hairs are burning and I can taste it.
{Windows get rolled down quickly}
When somebody from Wisconsin farts
Hey dude, Pull my finger I have a Wisconsin sneeze coming.