A sub category of the Grammar Nazi Regime.
They are the same annoying nit pickers, screaming at every little mistake in a written sentences/ The only difference is their specialty is spelling.
Forumer: Man their was alot of idiots trying to sell me 8 hour shots. Thold me it would give me alot of strangth.
SS. Spelling Private Class: Where did you learn English from? The back of a cereal box? It's "THERE "A (SPACE) LOT", "TOLD" and "STRENGTH"!
Forumer: aww man another grammar nazi.
Another Forumer: Yeah and he's part of the SS Spelling.
a person on social media who doesn't understand or agree whit the topic and offers no argument but calls out a spelling mistake in a futile attempt to save face and or derail the dialogue.
no matter if the person does not originate from the same country.
your really really dumb you know! you cant even use spelling correction wright!
good argument spelling nazie now shut up and go propose to a dictionary.
grown men are talking.
How the hell you spell showfer?
Ooh, fancy pants rich mcgee over here! FUCK YOU! Spelling bee ass...he gonna give me the definition next!
Leeiwestein (Sometimes: Livestein, Levin) — The surname has Jewish and Russian roots, descended from the Russian surname Levin, from the palm plant Livestona, originating from Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Russian: Ливестеин, ударение: Ливесте́ин, читается как: Ливестэ́ин.
english: Leeiwestein, Sometimes: Livestein, ac (emph): Leeiwestе́in.
Leeiwestein — Surname, spelling forms in different languages.
When you pretend to not be good at spelling as a joke, thats what dumbass spelling is.
Person 1: ello ter mat i use ur ban diction airy
Person 2: stop using dumbass spelling dude
Purposefully misspelling a word for comedic effect
Imma go hit on that girl. Meybe it'll work out. Don't child yourself. Me myshelf and I. This Satire Spelling is Tireing
Any of a large amount of spells from the Magic: the Gathering card game that destroys a creature or removes it from the game, especially at the most frustrating time possible in a game.
I finally get a creature on the board, and the next thing I know, BOOM - kill spell!