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Aqua Squad

The team of elite masterminds who expertly crease, bend, tuck, gather, roll, pleat and fold carefully contorted large objects of mass liquidation that create tsunamis when correctly slid on. A true Aqua Squad can only be found deep within the reaches of D-Quad, led by a fearless Chosen One called Jeff by those who revere him.

The Aqua Squad obliterated it's competition, HIAD, in an intense race to finish building their fortresses.

by NightMike July 25, 2014

ball squad

To be a member of TBS (The Ball Squad), you must possess these swagalicious qualities:
-Your hair is never allowed to move, under any circumstances
-Must have bare puck or LAX skillz
-You must be from the beaches
-You must sit at the back of any given bus, even if there already losers (people not in TBS) sitting there
-You must yell "ball squad" every other minute
-You must never snake the squad, unless they're Craig
-You must listen to Drake songs and 80s and 90s rock music

To be a part of TBS, your daily outfit must consist of:
-adidas flipflops (socks are optional, but if so, they must be mid-calf nike's or above)
-Lowride in basketball shorts, while wearing pajamas underneath
-No tank tops, only wife beaters and extremely unaffordable sports jerseys, or your LAX/puck teams' jerseys/windbreakers
-Baseball hats (preferably ones that include the word "gongshow") in order to preserve the flow
*****DO NOT FORGET*****
-Only ever wear a jock strap when out in public to give yourself that self-esteem boost you oh-so-desperately need

If you follow these steps, TBS will be happy to have you, fham.

ball squad is life.

by ballsquad July 12, 2015

Fight Squad

Michael Botur's Fight Squad is a superhero universe of popularity comparable to Catholicism.
Fight Squad is a positive adjective expressing extreme awesomeness, or as the French say, 'Le awesomáge.' For something to be described as "totally Fight Squad" means it's exciting, adventurous and very badass. Fight Squad is the creation of Michael Botur.

Work accidentally paid me twice! How Fight Squad can ya get?

by Botur June 28, 2010

beard Squad

A sqaudron of elite of men who possess the means to grow abnormal beards of great lengths. Most men are flabbergaseted by the length and girth to these mens beards. They also possess the means to party for massive amounts of time, and can usually be heard throughout yelling "Beard Squad"

We just drank that whole bucket of juice, BEARD SQUAD!

Hey man I just got a case of beer, BEARD SQUAD!
I just found my wallet, BEARD SQUAD!
Lets go to the beer store, BEARD SQUAD!

by thebah87 February 7, 2011

Hopwood squad

6 or more bald ass middle aged teachers with receading hairlines and the biggest foreheads you could as for plastic surgery or not, where their only goal in life is bully others but then somehow bully themselves

1 member of the Hopwood squad: bald ass hopwood in the flesh, here comes the hopwood squad.
Another member: you sho...
1st hopwood:shut up hopwood
2nd member:sorry hopwood
3rd one: look whos balding!
1st one: Oh My God!
All together: hop hop hopity hopwood hop hop hopity hopwood
/And scene\

by Hopwood man November 18, 2019

clap squad

when playing an online multiplayer game and you turn the corner and the whole team is there.

John didn't know what to do when he turned around and saw the CLAP SQUAD.

by da realest wolfpackcaniac February 4, 2010

squad blocking

When someone outside of your squad gets between you and your squad.

"Dude, you can't just push between us like that. That's squad blocking."

by Nim Mizu May 2, 2015