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Bertha Strike

A unexpected shot with huge thunder power behind it

That shot in the soccer game was a bertha strike

by Mr Bertha August 14, 2021

Ninja Strike

1. The act of screwing over a friend by throwing your genatalia in the air while he is talking to a girl.

2. The only way lonely men can get women to look at them.

3. When a group of ninjas karate chop your ass in half with chopsticks, a bag of rocks, and a dull ice cream scoop.


2. That must of been a lonely bastard if he ninja stricked around Becca.

3. Detective: How'd he die?

Cop: He got ninja stricked...

Detective: Holy Shit..

by Francisco Perez IV July 24, 2011

The Preemtive Strike

When the guy is about to cum during sex, pulls out, and the girl slaps his dick so hard that he cries from the pain and gets blue balls because he can no longer finish.

-May be used as a tactic to avoid dangerous situations such as the angry pirate, strawberry shortcake, or receiving HIV from someone they cannot resist having sex with.

-May also be used by a rude bitch who is selfish and wants nobody but herself to experience the pleasures of life.

I got it in with her the other night; I knew she was selfish, but I didn't think she'd go so far as to give me the preemtive strike! What a bitch!

by KMacAttack1234 August 8, 2011

knee strike

A move used in professional wrestling. When one jumps in mid air then extends his or her knee forward. Striking their opponent in the face.

"The Cleaner" Kenny Omega uses his signature move. The High Knee or better known as the V Trigger Knee Strike

by NJPW July 7, 2017

mortar strike

multiple shits

dude i just shot a mortar strike into your toilet

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

Lateral Strike

a soft blow to the side of the head. A lateral strike has a very specific technique. One must flattened the hand & palm, and start with arm raised above the head. Strike downwards swiftly and in a circular motion towards target. Reduce all force prior to impact with target.

E.g. Everyone once in a while, people will give Chingy a lateral strike, to put him back in his place.

by icrywhenangelsdeservetoDIE!!!! May 30, 2011

Southtown Strike

A Southtown Strike is the best strike you can get in bowling. It’s like a Brooklyn, only better. There’s no doubt about it when you hit one.

We didn’t account for all these Southtown Strikes when we made the bet.

by BenoSupremo January 30, 2021