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Terri and pie

In Albanian, this means “assholes” or basically to harass anyone. people usually get called this are losers.

Someone:“Shut up! Your a terri and pie!” Someone else: “how dare you call me that!”

by Coolercream January 30, 2022

touch of the terry

Diarrhea caused by an upset stomach. The resultant sloppy anus will need terry-towling rather than toilet paper to clean it up.

Elsie know she would be alright once the bug passed but until then she would need a touch of the terry.

by Macktown November 22, 2018

Terry hesslewood

When someone wears sagged cargo pants or a backwards flat cap and ride skateboards, it can also be associated with a pervert and someone who grooms kids online

“See that man over the street, he’s definitely a terry hesslewood”

Oi nah joe is such a tezza”

by Luke1x March 20, 2019

terry schiavo

to eliminate someone out of convenience.

You're getting on my nerves,Don't make me terry schiavo your ass .

by timothy brown September 28, 2005

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terri schiavo

Democrats are Nazis said:


If you starved your fucking DOG to death the fucking LIBERAL DEMOCRAT HOMOSEXUALS would lock you in prison for life!

But it's okay to starve a human being to death?


^plus they let faggot homosexual CHILD MOLESTERS back out into society to RAPE,TORTURE and KILL more little kids!


Uh, genius, Greer's a Republican, half of the Democrats in congress voted to remove the case from Florida's juridstiction so that the tube can be reinserted, and a second motion failed within the state of Florida to reinsert her tube because 9 Republicans rightfully opposed.

Oh, and by the way, the child killer in Citrus County Florida raped a girl. He wasn't a "homosexual CHILD MOLESTER." Should he get a pass because he wasn't gay?


When will you howlers get your facts straight about this case without spewing all this bile?

by Jimmie Gimmie Jihad March 23, 2005

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terri schiavo

Terri Schiavo
The biggest political issue to hit Florida since Elian Gonzalez.
These Jesus freaks and politicians refuse to realize that.

1. Her brains are mush.
2. She’s never going to have a life.
3. People stop eating days before they die.

Source: Dr. Mengele, Mar 22, 2005

THANKYOU DR.MENGELE (suits you you liberal piece of shit!)

You suck-ass,Nazi,motherfucking asshole!

by I hope YOU fucking starve to death,asshole! March 25, 2005

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Terry Folds

Most famous for denoting gender non-confirming genital flaps of non-binary and transgender citizens. Popularized by Rick and Murray on Adult Swim®️ to be generally used by Cishet to denote their genitals. The gender neutral name Terry Folds was given by Johnson and Johnson in 1958

Grab my terryfold flaps
Grab my flappy folds
Grab my terry folds
Grab my foldy flaps

by FlanneryOhOhOh November 5, 2019

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