Source Code

texas red

1. Texas Red or sulforhodamine 101 acid chloride is a red fluorescent dye, used in histology for staining cell specimens, for sorting cells with fluorescent-activated cell sorting machines, in fluorescence microscopy applications, and in immunohistochemistry. Texas Red fluoresces at about 615 nm, and the peak of its absorption spectrum is at 589 nm. The powder is dark purple. Solutions can be excited by a dye laser tuned to 595-605 nm, or less efficiently a krypton laser at 567 nm. The absorption extinction coefficient at 596 nm is about 85,000 M−1cm−1.

2. Texas Red, a character in the country ballad Big Iron by Marty Robbins

3. A wrestler ring name

1. #KeepTexasRed safely stored at -20° C so that it doesn't lose its cell-staining properties.

2. In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
He was vicious and a killer, though a youth of twenty four
And the notches on his pistol numbered one and nineteen more

3. Rolland "Red" Bastien had gone by the moniker Texas Red for a time, but I think Mark William Calaway might be the more famous wrestler to have used Texas Red as their ring name before he took on the mantle of The Undertaker.

by b_b_OK June 7, 2020

Texas Teepee

When two or more men do a handstand naked while facing each other, using their feet to support themselves, (Preferably wearing cowboy boots) creating a human Teepee. Then receive a blow job from the same women.

When my roommate and I both wanted a blow job, but also wanted to stair into each other's eyes, we performed a Texas Teepee.

by ColonelCoconut August 12, 2017

Texas Taffy

A loose, stretchy, thigh sticking scrotum from the hot summer heat. Known for its unique, musky aroma.

I tea bagged her with my Texas taffy last night.

I got some Texas taffy goin on today. It’s hot. It’s sticking from thigh to thigh.

by Dick Onchin May 30, 2020

The Armpit of Texas

Port Arthur, TX. Known as "the Armpit of Texas" due to being a rather down-trodden, highly polluted, industrial and depressed town. Port Arthur is in far east Texas, not very far from the Louisiana border.

Janis Joplin was a really cool singer, but she was from Port Arthur, known as the armpit of Texas.

by psara August 30, 2013

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Fredericksburg, Texas

A strip mall with a thyroid problem which used to be a nice, quiet place to live, but has since been given over to rich, fat, slow, obnoxious, traffic killing tourists from Austin and San Antonio and their squalling, equally fat, and obnoxious brats at the expense of the overworked and underpaid citizenry who, thanks to the influx of social security parasites who have driven up the cost of living like the leeches they are, can barely afford to live and raise a family. There is virtually no other industry apart from tourism, no other means of bolstering the economy, and thus, no opportunity for the young people of Fredericksburg who, realizing this, leave and never return. In droves.
This has been done deliberately by the city fathers who saw a cash cow in selling out their town and enjoy the status of being big fish in a small pond.

The day will soon come when they give up their charade of caring about the locals, rename Fredericksburg "Das Mall", and pass an ordinance requiring all of the locals to wear lederhosen and dirndls for the amusement of the turistas.

"So, where ya from?"

"Fredericksburg, Texas."

"You mean the German town with all the antique stores? Oh yeah, my wife and I love that place! We're going to retire there!"

"Eat a dick."

by Crotalus May 5, 2012

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Adjective used to describe an object, person, place, or idea, that is uniquely large among his/her/its kind, i.e. with a size exaggeratively being compared to the size of the state of Texas.

"Hey man look over there!" *points to the posterior of a very obese black woman sitting down gorging herself on 25 packages of McDonald's chicken selects. "Check out them Texas-sized buns of hers! That's a huge bitch!"

"Dude, you should have seen Jerome get a Texas-sized hit from that awesome gravity bong that I made!"

"(at the baseball game) Now just look at that fat redneck man buy a Texas-sized bladder buster of Dr. Pepper for his 5-month old baby. That is just sad."

"Ron Jeremy may be rather healthy and hideously hairy, but he has a rather Texas-sized holy muscle of love to compensate for his appearance."

"Well Howard, I just took a look at those plans of yours for the new shopping mall complex we are building in town and absolutely admired them. Quite a Texas-sized undertaking I tell you."

"George W. Bush is a man of Texas-sized stupidity."

Mark H. UrbanDictionary contributer since last February.

by Mark H February 19, 2005

89👍 12👎

Kaufman, Texas

A place where dreams and ambition go to die. Kids can't wait to "get out of this town and never come back", but end up getting knocked up by their high school sweetheart, continue to live here for the rest of their lives, and then their kids have the same high school teachers they had had.

Kaufman, Texas resident: "Let's get high and go to Denny's."

by Xc17 December 24, 2016

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