Bill: "Stop flexing! Everyone knows you got air pods"
Joe: "Fine"
Joe: *pulls pants back up*
That shit that Apple made for the rich fuckers..?
Steve: Hey, what’s up Jerry?
Steve: -clears throat- What’s up Jerry!
Jerry: -sees Steve talking- What? Sorry, I can’t hear you over all my money.
Why? Why would Jerry be such a dick with his Air pods?
A small herd or school of marine animals, especially whales
A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
Our team has pod pride!
We believe in pod pride!
A calming environment for humans. A hug for the brain.
Whoa bro, why don't you just Nook pod and chill.
The forbidden Fruit with the gush of a gusher and the toxicity of cyanide.
Dem old teeny-boppers are chewin on dem Tide Pods again.
It's the most delicious fruit ever. Dey be making you trip balls bitch.
Drunken fuck: Yo you got any tide pods?
Salty: Do love catnip?
Drunken fuck: Ye
Salty: Exactly
A very strong drug that once you consume will give you chemical burns and in some cases it results in death.
You can also put it in the washer and it'll clean your clothes.