Com peter was created accidentally. Com peter originated from Compter Which is a french word.
Com peter is a name.
My name is Com peter
when you are bitched out of a community (com) - someone mad you run from that community area
Some shitty ass com that K9, stoned.eagle, and SnowT run
Time to wake up and run fortnite com again - stoned
some community that Rareify runs
Rareify indeed runs fortnite com.
Wandsworth common, also known as wandy, wandy com or the common. A place where private school kids go to drink a shit tonne of vodka and have sex. People also engage in activities such as: ‘doing balloons’, ‘giving head’, ‘passing out’ and ‘smoking bud’. Schools most commonly seen there are Whitgift, streatham and clapham, Alleyns, Oratory, and occasionally Emmanuel
A term which is often used by staff in the hope everyone forgets about it.
Hypixel's guild update is comming soon, just wait another 10 years, thanks.
P.S: This messages were all copy pasted.