Someone described as a stupid person. Very stupid.
???: you Eyeball Creature! You tried to snatch my Enderman Doll.
Becky: I didn’t mean to..
a) the rhetorical, (lol), response to the oxymoronic rhetorical questions "why do old habits die hard/ peiople resist change"?
b) a nicer way of telling someone "no matter how hard you try to change someone's undesirable (at least according to you) characteristics, they will always retain part of their individuality."
a teenage boy comes crying to his father : " why won't my girlfriend Meedith follow me to Concordia University in Mechanical Engineering; all she wants to do is go to Mcgill University and do Psychology. Is there anything I can do?
father: yes and no. yes, you can be understanding of her, and not commit a St Valentines Day Massacre on her, Im reminding you that St Valentine's is next week. and no, you can't do a rat's ass about your taxes, simply because your sigother Meredith is part of the human race, and therefore creatures of habit
That Micheal Hale cunt, is a filthy creature. He spat on me!
Jolichus Bronchitis, a subspecies of elephant. A purple creature with 3 legs who uses its snut to poke and breed other Joeys.
Joey (Creature/species) communicates through actions.
Gracie McGarrah is a creature of the dark.
I'm a creature of the DARK!!!!!!!!!!! It means I do be a dark creature.
Gracie McGarrah is a creature of the DARK!!!!!!!!!! It means I do be a dark creature.