Source Code

field plow

When a man, while doing doggy stlye, grabs the girls arms and pulls them behind her back, causing the girl's weight to rest on her face. He then thrusts harder, causing a massive rug burn on the girls face.

She was obviously field plowed because of the rug burn on her face.

by Drew Sampson April 30, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Field of Pimps

A movie where there is a field full of pimps on stalks, where they grow. Out of this field come legendary pimps, such as Brian McKnight and Honus Wagner. It's sort of like Field of Dreams. Instead of Dreams, there are Pimps.

Did you see Field of Pimps? My dad played Fyodor Dostoevsky in it!

by Cecil Fielder October 15, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

strawberry fields

The state of mind you're in when doing weed, drinking, or pretty much any kind of drugs. Many times at rock shows almost everyone goes to this insane world. This term was popularized by The Beatle's song 'Strawberry Fields.'

At a Led Zeppelin show in '76:
Guy: *pulls out weed* Hey brotha wanna go to this wonderful place called strawberry fields?

Guy 2: Where's that? I've never heard of it

Guy:Here take a puff of this and then you'll see why everyone wants to go there

by The1whogotaway February 4, 2008

43๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Field hockey

Field hockey is actually a very hard sport. Many people believe field hockey is a girl sport but it actually isn't. Boys play field hockey too. Many people believe field hockey is a easier version than ice hockey but it isn't. Really there is no penalty for hitting people with a hard wooden stick. Playing the sport is hard to because you can't use both sides of the stick unlike regular hockey. Many people believe that field hockey is a lesbian sport when it isn't. It is mainly a sport about a bunch of people who are able to run and hit a ball really hard. When people say field hockey is a sport for people who can't play real hockey is ridiculous. Especially since in ice hockey you use a puck instead of a hard plastic ball. I know you are thinking please it is a plastic ball. Well it doesn't even bounce even a lacrosse ball bounces. In conclusion field hockey is a tough sport

Person 1 did you see the girls field hockey game.

Person 2 no why

Person 1 she broke her hand and tried to continue playing.

Person 2 wow

by Question kid August 13, 2018

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Field Day

A day where one has a nice cold beer in a field with some nice steak dinner

This isn't the deffenition idgaf what it id

I had a field day yesterday

by griffin vander ploeg January 16, 2020

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Depth of Field

Depth of field is a photography technique in which part of the picture is in focus and it gradually loses focus. This is usually accomplished by using a unique angle, or focusing on a strange item. The majority of the picture is out of focus, most of the time.

Wow! That's a great depth of field picture of Adam.

by Argetlahm November 25, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

field goal

In the act of having an orgasm, aim your meat hammer so that when u jizz(football being kicked) it will head over your two shoulderblades(field goal posts).

Dude I kicked a field goal last night and it went right past my eyes onto my chair.

by c4xlr March 12, 2008

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