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Cheese Grinder

A very dangerous weapon that can be used in the kitchen, and the crime scene.

“Im gonna cheese grinder your face”
“Honey can you use the cheese grinder, to shred some chedder

by QueefusMcNiglet November 15, 2018

Cheese grinder

Using a cheese grader on your testicles.

Oh, man Wander gave TYer a cheese grinder for getting an F on his test.

by Your muthor February 21, 2022

Coffee Grinder

A trick performed on a mountain bike or stunt bike where instead of properly landing a jump or bailing off, the rider lands ass first on the rear tire while the bicycle is still in motion, causing the rear tire tread to grind into the helpless rider's asshole as the bike slowly comes to a stop.

"Raul tried to hit that nasty tabletop jump at the bottom of the hill, but the dipshit half chickened out mid jump and ended up doing a coffee grinder instead! What a shithead!"

by BenEvolutioN April 6, 2022

Salt Grinder

When an individual performs fellatio on a male with counter rotating “okay” hand gestures encapsulating the penis, back and forth, side to side, with plenty of saliva to provide a jaw dropping BJ.

She really gave an amazing salt grinder whenever she was hungry!

by JayBanks March 16, 2022

Glizzy Grinders

A new age reference to teeth. I gotta brush my teeth man, I have a dentist appointment to make sure my Glitzy Grinders are in shape.

I'd be a hot dog for that vampire's Glizzy Grinders

by Rondeeka J May 19, 2023

Ektoras Grinder

The God of the Grind.
Everyday Ektoras Grinder bless us with his Grinding supremacy.
He believes in SlyferArmy Top 5 being :
5. Chris Pedro
4. Simon Simp
3. Lexi
2. jz
1. Ektoras Grinder

Join the cult of Ektoras Grinder...

by Simon Simp (Valeur Potter) August 11, 2021

wind grinder

the wind grinder is usually performed at male sleepovers when the first person falls asleep the others prop him up and arch him then they go get a vacuum and stick it up his ass as one male sticks it up the sleep males ass another reaches down his throat and grabs the long end of the vacuum the pulls it through his mouth then the males that are awake must perform a soggy waffle to see who gets their meat wind grinded. THE WIND GRINDER WILL RESULT IN DEATH

bro after steven fell asleep at the sleep over me and johnathan pulled a wind grinder on him

by pyro.eats.ass December 6, 2021