An extra bit of an ingredient used for a recipe or a botched first attempt at said recipe consumed during the making of a meal.
Usually a bit of meat left over or made extra to snack on whilst cooking.
Used heavily & created by British YouTube star Jamie Spafford and other members of SORTEDFOOD.
1.)“I made some snacking bacon while I wait for my eggs to cook”
2.)“The first pancake always turns out to be rubbish- we can’t serve that”
“This pancake is now Snacking food!”
The jazz bars art museums are finally open! Can’t wait to snag me some dinosaur snacks!
Renee left Bea to catch feelings for a dinosaur snack she met at yacht party.
A foreman at Pepsi who is the father of snacks.
Papa snacks is the proud father of snacks.
Wade S - also known as the snack wizard.
"Who is the snack king?"
"Wade S"
"I know Wade, he is the king of snacks"
Someone who is only a little attractive at that time
Wow Jenny you only look like half a snack today... It rough!
n. A person who will eat any snack available and doesn’t care to whom the snack belongs to. He/she will take that snack without even thinking about the other person attached to it.
Danny eats ALL of Julie’s delicious snacks. He is a home wrecking snack slut!!!!
When you eat a girls pussy when she's driving.
"Melissa was driving while Jake gave her road snack."