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super straight

super straight is little straight boys who don’t wanna date any trans women because they are trans and they use the Grindr colors as their flag.

Guy: hey, I’m super straight

Educated person: no, ur just transphobic

by ey420 March 7, 2021

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Super straight

Super straight is just a label to help excuse the fact that you're transphobic. Having a preference is ok but not dating someone because they're trans and/or invalidating them is not ok. A lot of "super straight" men are invalidating trans women saying they won't date them because they aren't real women. This is absolutely disgusting. "Super straight" people are social rejects that don't realize that they are just straight. Wanting biological children is a life choice not sexual orientation. Having a preference for the opposite genitals is literally just a preference not an entire sexuality.

Social reject, "I'm super straight and I only date real women"
Normal straight person, " You're just transphobic. You can have a preference without invalidating trans women."

by Avacado Chan March 12, 2021

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Super Straight

Super straight is the sexuality for people that are attracted to the people of the opposite gender, which is also the gender they were born.

This means that men are attracted to women that were born women and women are attracted to men that were born men.

Me: Hello.
Her: Hello, I just want to inform you that I'm transgender.
Me: Thanks for telling me but I'm super straight.
Her: It's okay, I respect your sexuality.

by WritingTruths March 5, 2021

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Super Straight

Being sexuality attractive to the opposite gender (male or female) that are born organically

I am coming out as super straight, I will only date a woman that is born a woman.

by Generation Normal March 5, 2021

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Super Straight

Because of the fact that people get criticized for being called transphobic when he says, "I prefer the opposite cis women," Super Straight was born, 50% of those so-called Super Straight are transphobic but the other 50% just have a preference and doesn't like being called transphobic because of that personal preference. Transphobic meaning: having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people. Not wanting or just preferring cis_women over a trans does not mean that they hate trans, for example, if you have a burger and a pizza on the table and your fine with them, but you can only eat one, personally I would choose a burger but does that means that I hate pizza? No of course not it just means that I prefer a burger over a pizza. Though there are some transphobic people calling themselves super straight just to hide the fact that they are transphobic, there are also people in the LGBTQ community calling people transphobic just because they have different preferences.

Jimmy: hey Bob would you date a trans?
Bob: I preferably would want to date cis women over a trans.
Jimmy: Bro, it's 2021 you can't say that.

Bob: why not?
Jimmy: Because trans are real women.
Bob: I'm fine with that and I support them but I would prefer to date cis women over a trans.
Jimmy: Bro, your so transphobic, you probably also call yourself a Super Straight.
Bob: Is it bad having a preference?
Jimmy: Yes.

by WaffleFax March 11, 2021

14πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Super Straight

An LGBTQ+ Ally Term, That expresses a Sexual Preference for a Cisgender Partner.

Bob: That girl wants to date you (Transgender)
Ryan: Im flattered however Im super straight.

by AmericanBaguette March 7, 2021

14πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Super Straight

gay slang for a closeted man who has a piss and shit kink

person 1: are you gay?
person 2: nah, I'm super straight *wink* *wink*
'proceeds to make out'

by MettatonNeo13 March 5, 2021

6πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž