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Head Buzz

The feeling a new dipper gets when trying smokeless tobacco. Also when a dipper puts in way more than they are used to. Characterized by a dizzy feeling usually accompanied by vomiting. Often missed by experienced dippers who cannot achieve such a buzz even when taking large quantities of dip.

Person 1: Do you see Cedric puking over there?

Person 2: Yeah he has a massive head buzz.

by cedar wood January 6, 2013

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beat the buzz

A drinking game which is beyond idiotic proportions. The rules are simple. Before you are about to leave for a party, pound back a few drinks and then hop in your car and head to the party. The object of this game is to make it to the party before the onset of your pregame buzz. The only way you lose is if you crash your car.

Alan: Ahhh man my roommate totally didn't think I could win at beat the buzz, and I almost didn't make it tonight.

Doug: Chill bro, I play that game all the time.

by DasVezman April 15, 2011

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The "Buzz" Combo

Buzz = Pleasure

The Buzz combo is initially when you are fingering a girl and she tosses you off at the same time! A combination of pleasure inflicted on each other! Ending in you both orgasming around the same sort of time in a nice big pleasure (buzz) combo!

George: So what did you and her actually do?
Mike: Well i gave her a buzz...
Mike: ....and she buzzed me back ;)
George: Whoaaa thats awesome, you gave her The "Buzz" Combo!

by David Oklmaja July 16, 2009

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cross buzzing

To be high and under the influence of alcohol at the same time.

Man, last night was crazy. Smoked that Sour Diesel and drank a whole bottle of Barcardi. Was cross buzzing sahn.

by Dreezy Bapeezy June 26, 2010

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Buzz lightyear

Crack head

Look buzz lightyear is doing heroine again

by Ginger nugget August 11, 2019

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Buzz Factor

When your retarded friend takes an incredibly long period of time to get something.

Bob: "You need to sit on that."
Billy: "That's what she said."
Bob: "I don't get it."
10 seconds later
Bob: "Oh, I get it"
In this example, Bob's Buzz Factor is 10 seconds.

by Blue Iguana April 4, 2008

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cali buzz

marijuana that is particularly potent, originating in california

yo man you got a dime sack of cali buzz

by Jeffrey McDougal September 22, 2006

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