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Goth Topic

A place where people shop that are deffinately not Goth and have no business doing anything near Hot Topic. This SHOULD be the version for the prep kids who try to shop there.

"Did you see that girl wearing Abercrombie and Fitch!"
"Pfft, yeah, she should go to Goth Topic."

by Aktuell March 15, 2005

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hot topic

hot topic is a store you find at like every fucking mall in america...and in my oppinion...its a good one. people dont go there to rebel...they go there cuz the clothes are cute and they like that style just like the same reasons some ppl shop at abercromie & shit and hollicrap. everyone has different taste. the only reason why hot topic is considered rebellious & unique is b/c they dont sell over priced crap that says the stores names across the chest and butt...everyone who shops there happens have different styles from eachother if u havent noticed.they have good clothes so deal.

hey lets go into hot topic to buy a band tee or something b/c i dont wanna advertise a shitty store across my chest or ass.

by Br0k3nT3nsi0nz x 4 May 3, 2007

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hot topic

a really lame store that once sold awesome tshirts, but they now sell stupid shirts relating to twilight and justin beiber.

hot topic sucks

by asdfjkl;27 June 1, 2010

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Hot Topic

Hot Topic is a store commonly found in many American malls, that sells kids alternative identities in the form of goth, emo, punk, and more recently of the hipster persuasion. Hot Topic at no point was "real", but I wouldn't call all who shop from there posers. Recently it has become worse than fake goth/hollywood satanist and has moved into the place where hype beast come to buy shirts to match their expensive limited edition tacky shoes. They sell pretty cool knick knacks, but not instead of being the store that sells to goth kids, emo's, or scene kids, they have moved into selling Justin Bieber, and other contemporary pop inspired crap.

Eventhough they still sell clothes for Manson or Linkin Park faux goth's, they have moved into more brighter and neutral shit, some of the stuff even looks like a goth's worse enemy, the American Eagle and Abercrombie.

A lot of poser's now days who want to look an outsider but still be popular, dress at the Hot Topic.

by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI August 16, 2010

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hot topic

A store in malls. usually not much larger than your room, but at the same time has a plethora of various apparel and music stuff for sale. It is the only store that plays good shopping music.

Hot topic is always crowed because there is no room to walk through all these clothes, I feel like I am in my room.

by Bobby Trerice January 5, 2008

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hot topic

a store found in many malls that seems like a punk store. However, if you ever happen to go inside, you'll realize it's nothing but a store dedicated to music. It's not just a store for "punk music"; even some preppy people shop there: some to buy a Justin Bieber shirt, others to get a Twilight poster. However, there are some people that just like clothes Hot Topic sells. There are even some Abercrombie & Fitch wearers who like to stop by. While the clothing is bad quality, and overpriced for the quality, many people don't seem to mind or complain, since there aren't many stores in the mall just like it.

Let's go to Hot Topic to find a couple shirts of my favorite bands!

by Laughingout_loud August 15, 2010

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Hot Topic

A place that I don't go to because I shop for REAL clothing.

Hot Topic sucks, even though they have that 1-Up Mushroom T-shirt. Let's go to Anchor Blue.

by dj gs68 October 22, 2003

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